Stable Linux with Apache
Get to know more about the time-proven, bulletproof blend of Linux and Apache. Have a look at the advantages of having them run concurrently.
Linux is an OS, that isn't that popular for desktop machines, but is among the most frequently used OSs for servers. It's absolutely free, so you will not have to pay any license fees as part of your hosting payments. Linux is additionally regarded as the most secure OS out there and thanks to the permissions that files have and also the file types that can be run, virus files which may infect a regular PC shall simply not be executed on a Linux-based server. Moreover, the OS is totally free, so it can easily be modified without any limits, in order to satisfy the requirements of the hosting company and their clients. This also means that unneeded software packages can easily be removed to make the OS lighter and faster, that can directly contribute to far better hosting server performance. Numerous Linux machines have the Apache web server installed on them, due to the fact that this software is also 100 % free, fast and secure. It's the most widely used web server out there and is a part of the LAMP bundle that many script apps, including WordPress and Joomla™, need. LAMP is an abbreviation for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.
Stable Linux with Apache in Shared Hosting
All of the web servers that are part of our progressive cloud website hosting platform run Linux in order to guarantee their fast and stable operations, which will subsequently contribute to much better overall website functionality. This is valid for every site that you host in a
shared hosting account with us. Every single part of the hosting service (emails, databases, files) will be addressed by its own group of web servers, so only 1 type of processes will run on a certain server, that will contribute to the amazing loading speed of your sites even more. You could use HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Perl and just about any other web development language for your websites, due to the fact that they all can run on a Linux hosting server. We also use the Apache web server, as our experience throughout the years indicates that it is probably the very best piece of software of its kind.
Stable Linux with Apache in Semi-dedicated Servers
We've decided to use Linux on our machines as well, considering that no other OS can match its flexibility and without it, we wouldn't have had the opportunity to create our custom website hosting platform where all
semi-dedicated server accounts are created. The platform incorporates substantial groups of servers, each addressing a particular part of the web hosting service - databases, email messages, files, the CP, and so on. The consequence of blending this custom setup with Linux is an incredibly dependable, protected and speedy service with zero downtime. What's more, the web access is handled by Apache, since it's remarkably customizable and supports a considerable amount of modules and web programming languages such as PHP, Perl, Python, HTML, and so on. Our semi-dedicated server packages will provide you with all the speed and security that you would like for your websites and we've made a whole lot of software improvements to make sure that we will meet our uptime guarantee.